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How to Wait for a DOM element to Exist in JavaScript?

How to Wait for a DOM element to Exist in JavaScript?

How to Wait for a DOM element to Exist in JavaScript?

How to Wait for a DOM element to Exist in JavaScript

There are two main ways to wait for a DOM element to exist in JavaScript:

1. Using the MutationObserver API

The MutationObserver API is a modern way to listen for changes to the DOM. It allows you to create a callback function that is executed whenever the DOM changes.

To wait for a DOM element to exist using the MutationObserver API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new MutationObserver object.
  2. Pass a callback function to the constructor of the MutationObserver object. This callback function will be executed whenever the DOM changes.
  3. In the callback function, check if the DOM element that you are waiting for exists. If it does, execute your desired code.
  4. Start the MutationObserver by calling the observe() method.
  5. Once the DOM element exists, the callback function will be executed and your desired code will be executed.

Here is an example of how to use the MutationObserver API to wait for a DOM element to exist:

const target = document.querySelector("body"); // The DOM element to observe
const config = { childList: true }; // Observe changes to the child elements of the target element

const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
  // Check if the DOM element that you are waiting for exists
  const element = document.querySelector("#my-element");
  if (element) {
    // The DOM element exists, so execute your desired code
    console.log("The DOM element exists!");

observer.observe(target, config);

2. Using the setInterval() method

The setInterval() method allows you to execute a function at a specified interval. You can use the setInterval() method to wait for a DOM element to exist by repeatedly checking if the element exists until it does.

Here is an example of how to use the setInterval() method to wait for a DOM element to exist:

const elementId = "my-element"; // The ID of the DOM element to wait for

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  // Check if the DOM element exists
  const element = document.querySelector("#" + elementId);
  if (element) {
    // The DOM element exists, so execute your desired code
    console.log("The DOM element exists!");
    clearInterval(interval); // Stop the interval
}, 100); // Check every 100 milliseconds

Which method to use

Which method you use to wait for a DOM element to exist depends on your specific needs. If you need to wait for a DOM element to exist in a modern browser, you should use the MutationObserver API. The MutationObserver API is more efficient and reliable than the setInterval() method.

If you need to wait for a DOM element to exist in an older browser, you can use the setInterval() method. However, keep in mind that the setInterval() method can be inefficient and can impact the performance of your web application.


Waiting for a DOM element to exist in JavaScript is a common task. There are two main ways to do this: using the MutationObserver API or using the setInterval() method. The best method to use depends on your specific needs.